
The Flicks

646 Fulton Street
Boise ID 83702

Cinema 208.342.4222
Video • Cafe • Office 208.342.4288

St. Luke’s Cares Night at the Flicks


Please join St. Luke’s Children’s at Risk Evaluation Services for a Night at the Flicks, a fundraiser and screening of the documentary “Rewind", which follows one family’s reckoning with child abuse. 

Proceeds will be used to expand victim services and provide vital education and support to professionals across the state who work closely with victims of child maltreatment. The evening will feature a talk with Sasha Joseph Neulinger, director of the autobiographical documentary “Rewind", and founder and president of the children’s advocacy nonprofit, Voice For The Kids. Sasha also is the co-founder and head of production at Step 1 Films.

St. Luke’s CARES is a nationally accredited child advocacy program located in Boise that every child deserves to be safe, heard and supported. 

Tickets $5,  PURCHASE NOW

Movie Trailer



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